Directed by Ben Smith out of Mill+, The film depicts a school shooting and the events that follow. Each event is metaphorically depicted in a Rube Goldberg machine and includes protests, thoughts and prayers social media posts, public debate and a media circus. We also see representations of those responsible for the never-ending cycle. 

The music in this film is the debut single ‘Safe’ from artist Sage. Sage wrote the song the day after the tragic mass shooting in a high school in Parkland, Florida. He played the first version of the song for his older sister, the music artist Kesha, who instantly felt the power of the track and wanted to help the cause by lending her voice to the song and movement. Chika, an independent female rapper known for her vicious flow and fearless lyrics, contributed verses to finish the song.

The song is being released in partnership with March For Our Lives, a non-profit organization aimed at ending senseless gun violence, founded by a group of students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school in Parkland, FL. Together these students and artists are asking Americans to take to the polls this fall to vote for candidates who support common sense gun laws.

 - The Mill

October, 2018

VFX Supervsior / Senior Lead Compositor

Ben Smith
